Gordon Newton: Untitled Drawing
Gordon Newton, Untitled Drawing / approx., 8×11″ crayon, ink, paint, pencil on paper/collaged stenographer sheet, glued and cut paper collaged, from the series “Snowfall under Piasces Moonlight” exhibited at the”Armory Show” Book Beat gallery, 2006.————–Gordon Newton is one of Detroit’s best known artists. Although often considered primarily as a sculptor, he has created a vast body of drawings over the last thirty years. His works on paper explore a wide array of subjects and experiment with unconventional combinations of materials and techniques. ———————–Beginning with his highly abstract early work and continuing with themes related to recognizable subjects, Newton’s drawings invite viewers to let their imaginations run free. The works are not a straightforward presentation of the visible world. They hint at attitudes, ideas, and objects in broad, general terms and are open to interpretation. Strong references to Newton’s interest in the structure of things underlie most of his drawings. This concern is expressed in many forms. Sometimes this interest appears as a clear architectural element which becomes the subject of the work. Frequently, it is the actual manner in which materials are combined to physically build an image, or it can be an allusion to a principle or idea on which a composition is based. —————————-
As a young artist central to the city’s Cass Corridor art movement in the 1970s, Newton’s work ranged from highly controlled elegant gestures to muscular, almost violent combinations of mediums. He made solid, dark circular shapes on plain white paper by tying a piece of graphite to a stick and drawing continuous arcs. For other works, he literally used his fingers—and on occasion his feet—as his drawing tools. Torn-up old drawings, discarded papers, sheets of plastic, and various kinds of tape became the compositional elements of an untitled series of paper constructions.
$ 400.00
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