Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes (Hardcover)
There was one little baby, who was born far away.
And another who was born on the very next day.
And both of these babies, as everyone knows,
had ten little fingers and ten little toes.
English author/illustrator Helen Oxenbury, winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal, teamed up with celebrated Australian illustrator/author Mem Fox for this around-the-world look at babyhood, to be published next month. The happy result is a jig-along rhyme sure to delight parents and tots alike.
MEM FOX has published with Harcourt for more than fifteen years, and her beloved stories have sold more than four million picture books. She lives in Adelaide, Australia.
HELEN OXENBURY is the illustrator of dozens of celebrated picture books, including Michael Rosen’s We’re Going on a Bear Hunt; Phyllis Root’s Big Momma Makes the World, which won a Boston Globe–Horn Book Award; and her own Tom and Pippo series. She lives in London, England.
$ 16.00
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