
Gordon Newton mixed media collage

Title: “The Old Church Window (Kirks Tall Abbey (1824-1825)” titled, signed and initialled GN 1824 with date 2/02 in the artist hand. On back is pasted a photo of a Rosewood inlaid Bible box from an auction catalog.Collage is several layers thick, crayon, pastels, ink and cut paper.

Gordon Newton (1948-2019) began taking art classes at Port Huron Community College. In 1969, he moved to Detroit to attend the Society of Arts and Crafts (now College for Creative Studies) and Wayne State University, both located in Detroit.

“Newton would become, in many ways, the poster child and beating heart of Detroit’s Cass Corridor arts movement — a do-it-yourself, proto-punk rock era of literature, music and visual art that drew the attention of the broader art world to the Motor City in a way likely not equaled before or since.” –Ryan Patrick Hooper for the Detroit Free Press

In 1971, Newton’s work was included in the inaugural exhibition at the Willis Gallery, a cooperative space run by artists working in the Cass Corridor, Detroit. His work has also been included in exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum, the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Detroit Institute of Arts and the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit.

$ 975.00