BOOK LIT blogs & related sites worth a click:
Bookslut is a monthly web magazine and daily blog dedicated to those who love to read. Visit them at:Blog of a Bookslut
Salon is one of the earliest online powerhouse reading mags (its worth putting up with their stupid ads):
Atomic Books is a notorious & cool small independent Baltimore, MD bookstore. Visit their blog “Literary Finds for Mutated Minds” at: Atomic Books
Anthem Book Blog is a site dedicated to the independent bookstore and the publishing biz: Anthem Blog
The Book Dwarf is a dedicated book reviewer and insider with a ton of awesome lit links, check out The Book Dwarf
Powell’s Bookstore blog The 800 lb gorilla of independent stores has a hot blog with some great star writers: Powell’s Bookstore blog
Book Lust is not librarian Nancy Perl’s site, but it is run by a devoted reader and book blogger, check out: Book Lust
The Menil Collection in Huston runs recently published art book reviews at: Menil Bookstore Blog
Underground artists and hep poets like hang out at:
Jack Magazine its a coffee house for the mind, yeah.
An interesting off-shoot of McSweeny’s Magazine is The Beliver full of new writing, super long reviews & even longer interviews, lots of lit stars here worth checking out: The Believer Magazine
Drawn & Quarterly is a Montreal based publisher of some essential graphic novels & great comic-artists. (we also handle many of their books) Visit their kooky blog at: Drawn & Quarterly Blog spot
Shamanic Warrior Avant-garde lit links & poetz at:
Light & Dust Anthology of Poetry
The British & international bookstore and book industry blog THE BOOKSELLER.COM is an interesting site for reviews and articles on the topic of bookstores, publishing & bookselling.
The Children’s Book Council is the nonprofit trade association of publishers and packagers of trade books and related materials for children and young adults. Read their magazine online at: Children’s Book Council MagazineBertha Mahony founded The Horn Book in 1924 to herald the best in children’s literature. The Horn Book Magazine and The Horn Book Guide are the most distinguished journals in the field of children’s and young adult literature. They also publish acclaimed books for children’s book professionals and create exceptional posters for children’s book lovers. Visit them at: The Horn Book
Kids Lit is a warm-hearted blog that celebrates children’s and YA lit. Its run by Tasha Saecker, the down-home director of the Caestecker Public Library in Green Lake, WI. Visit them at : Kid’s Lit: Books & More for Children & Teens
Parenting & Family Magazine presents an all-purpose children’s book site at: Children’s Books
Professor Nana is a professor of children’s and YA literature in a Library Science department. She runs a funny yet serious blog for children’s book enthusiasts at: The Goddess of YA Literature
Bookshelves of Doom is run by Uber-librarian Leila Roy. She has a penchant for crafting, YA lit and fantasy lit. Check in at: Bookshelves of Doom
Photo District News is a site with special concerns for working photographers; with product reviews, gallery, legal issues, etc., produced by one of the largest trade journals in photography Photo District News OnlineZazie’s Zone is a kind of home to surrealist ideas and times:Zazie Zone
Jim Woodring is the creator of FRANK, and an extrodinary underground comix artist. Visit Jim at: Jim
Pandora Internet Radio is a kind of musical mad scientist jukebox that analyzes your musical tastebuds and offers you suggestions on new music you’d like to hear (many you didn’t know about before) based on your data entry. More specific, human and detailed then gorilla store software, Pandora Genome Project is great for streaming (and free) music you need to discover. Great artist bios too.
The Rest is Noise is a mostly music related blog by The New Yorker music critic Alex Ross: The Rest is Noise
Beware the Blog is WFMU’s radio station blog — they are one of the great public access stations in the country, home to some of the best in underground vibes WFMU: Beware the Blog
Listen to WFMU live streaming, conect here: Future of Music
Pitchfork Media news, reviews and features on new music: Pitchfork
Earvolution more new music news reviews, etc.: Earvolution