A selection of books about Detroit city and/or by Detroit based authors. Stop by soon or call (248) 968-1190 to check availability, stock may be limited. Thank you for supporting local independent bookstores!
- Secret Detroit: A guide to the weird, the wonderful and the obscure by Karen Dybis
- Joni on Joni by Susan Whitall (Hardcover, Academy Chicago) Detroit News Excerpt Signed copies available!
- Black Detroit by Herb Boyd, (New is paperback, Harper) In Praise of the Black Men & Women Who Built Detroit
- Michigan Modern: An Architectural Legacy by Author Brian Conway and Photographer James Haefner (hardcover, Visual Profile Books) One breathtaking view after another
- Minoru Yamasaki Humanist Architecture for a Modernist World by Dale Allen Gyure (Hardcover, Yale University Press) Architecture for a Modernist World Signed copies available!
- The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan (Paperback, WW Norton) PBS Interview with Dan Egan
The Hard Stuff: Dope, Crime, the MC5, and My Life of Impossibilities, by Wayne Kramer, HC (Da Capo Press)
Rolling Stone Review
Signed copies available!
- ARETHA: The Queen of Soul—A Life in Photographs By Meredith Ochs (Hardcover, Sterling)
- I Got to Keep Moving Stories by Bill Harris (paperback, WSU Press)
- The Faygo Book by Joe Grimm (paperback, WSU Press)
- Nancy MItchnick: Uncalibrated (Hardcover, MoCAD) Glenn Manissto on Nancy Mitchnick Signed copies available!
- Blessed Solanus Casey (Images of America, Paperback) by Patricia Montemurri Signed copies available!
- The Next Person You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom (Hardcover, Harper) CBS Interview with Mitch Albom Signed copies available!
- Sister Pie: The Recipes and Stories of a Big-Hearted Bakery in Detroit, by Lisa Ludwinski (Lorena Jones Books) Sister Pie: Detroit Free Press Review Signed copies available!