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What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

– George Eliot



Book Beat: A New Year Newsletter

“Bookstores remain places of genuine wonder.” – Richard Russo   Dear Readers, Happy New Year! January is the perfect time for both looking ahead and reflecting on the past. January was named after the two-headed Roman god Janus, a diety of doors, archways, beginnings, endings,...


Remembering Bob Setlik

Bob Setlik passed away December 7, 2024 from cancer. He was a mentor, influence and supportor to many Detroit area musicians, record collectors, and music lovers. Through Car City Records and the performances he sponsored in the New Music Society series, Setlik left an indelible mark on the local sc...


March 9: Ethan Daniel Davidson at Book Beat

On Sunday, March 9th at 3 p.m. we will be hosting a reading for Detroit songwriter, philanthropist, and author of These are the Developments of the Human, Ethan Daniel Davidson. His new book is And They Arose Early To Do Sexual Violence: My Personal Mirror of Torah, a book dealing with “instan...


Winter Immunity Tips

Immunity is a little off subject for us, but since flu and virus season has arrived – we’d like to share some tips we’ve tried over time that have helped boost our immunity and improved our life. These ideas can be used anytime of year but are especially important in winter. Vegan ...