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What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

– George Eliot



i arrogantly recommend… by Tom Bowden

I arrogantly recommend… is a monthly column of unusual, overlooked, ephemeral, small press, comics, and books in translation reviews by our friend, bibliophile, and retired ceiling tile inspector Tom Bowden, who tells us, “This platform allows me to exponentially increase the number of p...


i arrogantly recommend… by Tom Bowden

I arrogantly recommend… is a monthly column of unusual, overlooked, ephemeral, small press, comics, and books in translation reviews by our friend, bibliophile, and retired ceiling tile inspector Tom Bowden, who tells us, “This platform allows me to exponentially increase the number of p...


December 18: Amos Paul Kennedy, Jr., at Book Beat

Meet and greet letterpress artist/printer Amos Paul Kennedy Jr., who will be signing his book Citizen Printer at Book Beat on December 18, from 3-6 PM. Stop by or call us at (248) 968-1190 for a signed or personalized copy of one of the beautiful gift books of 2024. A selection of his posters and [&...


Sub-Rosa Reading Group: Kairos

Sub-Rosa is a reading group that meets once a month to discuss feminist and obscure literature. Our selection for this month is Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck. We will meet Saturday, January 25 at 6:30 p.m. at the store. A reminder will be sent out the day before the meeting. If you are interested in att...